


    Junmai means "pure rice," and refers to the fact that junmai sake is brewed only from rice, water, rice koji, yeast, and usually, a small amount of lactic acid. Because rice polishing is unspecified, a regular junmai could theoretically be made from 1% polish all the way to 100%, brown rice! As a result, junmai is highly variable. It's difficult to make generalizations about flavor and style.

    However, for a regular junmai, polishing is most often between 60 and 90%. As a result, it is typically less delicate than other sake, has higher umami, more rice/grain/nutty flavors, more texture, and more shibumi (astringency). Junmai is an affordable, everyday style to be enjoyed with food and at any temperature.

    Despite having plenty of fancy sake in the Sunflower fridge...at the end of the day, I very often reach for a good junmai. It's hearty, satisfying, ricey and delicious.